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MCIR Success Story

Photo from a news story MCIR posted about the dangers of Illinois pesticide exposure.
Photo credit: Heather Coit, The News-Gazette

When program staff at the Foundation design grants, we try to find creative and innovative ways to challenge both grantees and other potential funders. We believe that the organizations that we fund should always be looking to diversify revenue streams, whether that be with individual membership drives, new corporate or institutional funders or even endowments. We always ensure that we give challenge matching grants when we feel that organizations have the internal capability to find those additional funds and leverage the opportunity.

Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting (MCIR), also known as Investigate Midwest, is a key example of this. With a secure $100,000 grant for general operating costs ensuring business as usual, and a solid staff and board of directors, we presented them with an opportunity to raise $125,000 in additional funds through one $25,000 and two $50,000 matching grants.

They did not disappoint – finding three new funders guaranteeing matching funds while forging new relationships and ensuring further sustainability of their operations: three-matching-grants-to-investigate-midwest/

MCIR is an independent, nonprofit newsroom. Their mission is to serve the public interest by exposing dangerous and costly practices of influential agricultural corporations and institutions through in-depth and data-driven investigative journalism.

Congratulations to MCIR on their achievement.

Author: Crystal Logan

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