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The Boulevard of Chicago

Chicago, IL, United States

The Boulevard of Chicago is the original and largest medical respite care facility in Illinois, providing a full range of resources for holistic human healing, including Medical Respite, Housing, and Behavioral Health programs. They help their clients gain stability, restore their health, and rebuild their lives after experiencing homelessness and acute illness. The Boulevard provides a space for hope and healing for some of Chicago’s most vulnerable residents.

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Grant history

Year awarded: 2024
Period: 2 years
Amount awarded: $326,000
Purpose: Housing Navigator and Case Management Supervisor Positions, Marketing and Communications
Notes: Two key positions will ensure that clients receive necessary and appropriate supportive services to clarify and codify their medical and housing goals, to help them focus on recovery, to ensure they develop skills and awareness to navigate community-based services independently over time, and to identify and preserve eligibility for public benefits programs and other financial assistance. In addition to these two positions, The Boulevard’s leadership team will contract with a seasoned marketing firm to design and implement a brand campaign for their 30th anniversary.

Year awarded: 2021
Period: 2 years
Amount awarded: $210,000
Purpose: Rapid Re-Housing for Residents

Year awarded: 2020
Period: 1 year
Amount awarded: $15,000
Purpose: COVID-19 Emergency Grant for General Operating Support

Year awarded: 2019
Period: 1 year
Amount awarded: $68,976
Purpose: Matching Grant for Annual Gala

Year awarded: 2018
Period: 1 year
Amount awarded: $50,000
Purpose: Chronic Health Services