Storycatchers Theatre guides young people impacted by the carceral system to transform their traumatic experiences into powerful musical theatre, developing the courage and vision to become leaders and mentors. Its post-release transitional employment program, Changing Voices, connects them with case managers and teaching artists, who provide life and job skills training as well as trauma-informed performing arts instruction to promote social and emotional development. Through their participation in the program, Changing Voices youth learn to take control of their narratives and lived experiences, while also gaining skills to publicly advocate for issues important to them. Visit Storycatchers Theatre
Grant history
Year awarded: 2024Period: .5 yearsAmount awarded: $75,000Purpose: Changing VoicesNotes: This grant was ended early due to the closing of the organization. Originally awarded $200,000.
Year awarded: 2021Period: 2 yearsAmount awarded: $150,000Purpose: Changing Voices
Year awarded: 2019Period: 2 yearsAmount awarded: $150,000Purpose: Changing Voices