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Illinois Coalition for Immigrant & Refugee Rights

Chicago, IL, United States

The Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) is a statewide coalition composed of community-organizing groups, ethnic associations, unions, churches and mosques, school districts, colleges, and direct-service organizations that work with diverse immigrant and refugee communities. ICIRR is dedicated to promoting the rights of these communities to full and equal participation in the civic, cultural, social, and political life of our diverse society.

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Grant history

Year awarded: 2023
Period: 2 years
Amount awarded: $150,000
Purpose: Staff Support for the Southern Border Arrival Unified System Coordination
Notes: This grant will build capacity for the Southern Border Arrival (SBA) program through the creation and staffing of a new organizing position. This position would help coordinate program partners, the city, the state, other ICIRR staff, and the existing housing system to build a unified system for Southern Border Arrival (SBA) response.