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Commun / Bosla Arts

London, United Kingdom

Based in the UK, Bosla Arts is an arts platform focused on sharing and supporting art-activists worldwide, while drawing on their work to raise awareness to the public and promote open discourse. They do this through an art residency, magazine, programs, and a podcast - bringing together artists, activists, and social change makers from all over the world.

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Grant history

Year awarded: 2024
Period: 1 year
Amount awarded: $75,921
Purpose: AR Safe-Haven Residency
Notes: Fiscal Sponsor: NEO Philanthropy International Fund. Building on the success of their first residency program in 2023 with a Ukrainian artist, Bosla Arts is organizing a 6-month edition of the residency in 2024/2025 in partnership with a Palestinian organization. The A.M Qattan Foundation will bring a Palestinian artist to London to develop their practice, build their networks, collaborate with Bosla Arts for a creative program.

Year awarded: 2022
Period: 1 year
Amount awarded: $54,626
Purpose: Bosla Arts’ Artists at Risk Safe-Haven Residency
Notes: Fiscal Sponsor: NEO Philanthropy International Fund