RDLF News: Issue 11

Volunteering at Cradles to Crayons

In February, The Reva and David Logan Foundation (RDLF) team volunteered at the Cradles to Crayons (C2C) warehouse, otherwise known as The Giving Factory, to pack donated clothes for infants and children.

Members of our team split up into different stations with bins of shirts, pants, sweaters, and dresses. We curated and packed outfit combinations according to C2C's instructions, with each set containing enough clothes for one week. Some team members took the style and aesthetic of each set very seriously, while others focused on efficiency - but everyone clearly enjoyed contributing to C2C's mission. At the end of our two-hour shift, C2C reported that we, along with another set of volunteers, had packed enough clothing sets for 140 children.
Read the complete article here.

BPNC Breaks Ground

Photo credit: Brighton Park Neighborhood Council

At the end of February, Brighton Park Neighborhood Council (BPNC) broke ground on their BPNN Service Center, coming soon to 4000 S. Archer Ave. The Service Center will be a one-stop shop for community residents, offering free and accessible services such as clinical counseling, trauma-informed therapy, legal support, workforce development, youth programming, and comprehensive case management services.

To ensure the new BPNN Service Center would address the needs of Brighton Park residents, BPNC conducted a comprehensive community needs assessment. A steering committee was convened for the duration of the study and consisted of social service providers, mental health professionals, representatives from schools, health providers, victim services community members, elected officials, and other community stakeholders.

Read more about the community-advised project here.

SLM Resident Brian Rodgers on WTTW

Photo credit: WTTW

St. Leonard's Ministries (SLM) resident Brian Rodgers shared his story in a documentary from WTTW's Firsthand Homeless. Brian walked into St. Leonard’s Ministries with the goal of leaving homelessness behind him. He’s taking advantage of his new life and repairing broken family relationships after years of couch surfing and sleeping in vehicles. Brian is making his voice heard through advocacy work with the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless. A potential job with the Chicago Transit Authority and permanent housing may be in his near future.

Watch the documentary here.

Upcoming Opportunities

Illinois Prison Project Legal Clinic

Illinois Prison Project hosts a bi-monthly drop-in legal clinic via Zoom every first Tuesday of the month from 4 PM-5 PM Central Time and every third Saturday of the month from 9 AM-10 AM CST. The next legal clinic is Tuesday, March 5th at 4pm CT.

Their legal clinic will provide legal advice and consultation to people who have loved ones incarcerated in the Illinois Department of Corrections. Clinic hours will focus on commutation and administrative remedies and is a great opportunity to ask questions directly to one of our attorneys.

Register for the event here.

Antiracist Restorative Practice (ARP) Cohort

AMPT's Antiracist Restorative Practice Cohort aims to build the capacity of small, Black- and Latine-led nonprofit organizations, with budgets less than $500,000 on the south and west sides of Chicago.

This 8 month-long virtual experience provides participants with capacity-building tools, opportunities to build relationships with other Chicago nonprofit leaders, one-on-one coaching, and a $10,000 organizational stipend.

Applications close March 18th for their 2024 Cohort.

Apply for the ARP Cohort here.

Star Farm Volunteer Day

Star Farm, an urban farm with the underlying mission of creating a resilient food system through growing, sharing, and celebrating food, is having a Volunteer Day on March 23rd from 9am-12pm. Star Farm volunteers receive hands-on experience in a high-intensity urban farm setting including food safety, cultivation, planting and crop planning, packing, and event and market staffing.

Sign up for Volunteer Day here.

Job Openings

What We're Reading

Inside Bristol’s ‘murder factory’ arms facility, with the activists on trial for occupying it

The Bristol Cable: "Palestine Action activists are on trial for smashing into an Elbit factory that ships weapons technologies to Israel. But at the heart of this case is the history and tragedy of Israel’s operations in Gaza, and how Bristol’s facility plays a role in the death and destruction."
Check out their second episode as well: "The Debrief: Bristol's murder factory."

Library Lose Millions of Public Dollars to Corporate Tax Abatements

Good Jobs First: “Many cities have seen their libraries cut hours, lose services and staff, or even permanently close ... Using new publicly available data, we can reveal that libraries across the country lose millions every year to costly corporate tax breaks.”

Uninsured Country: Affordable Health Care Eludes Many Family Farmers and Ranchers

Public Health Watch: "Americans who operate small family farms and ranches often cannot get adequate health care and insurance. A journalist who spent her summers on her family’s Texas ranch writes about relatives’ struggles and the challenges rural residents face today."

United Nations Official Says State Repression of Environmental Defenders Threatens Democracy and Human Rights

Inside Climate News: "Citing rising criminalization of environmental activism in Europe, a new paper calls on states to reinstate protections for protest enshrined in binding international law."

Reporter’s Guide to Investigating Carbon Offsets

Global Investigative Journalism Network: "“Carbon offsetting” is a controversial tool in the fight against global heating. Oversight by journalists is essential and has already had a major impact. It’s an important, though not easy, assignment. But there are many stories to be done worldwide, from the local level to the corporate boardroom."

We'd like to hear from you!

Thanks for reading! We have an open call for content from our partners to highlight the brilliant work they're doing in the community. If you are a current grantee or partner with The Reva and David Logan Foundation and you would like to contribute to our next newsletter, please reach out to Sabrina Boggs, Communications Coordinator at sabrina(at)loganfdn(dot)org. Please note that we will not share fundraising campaigns.

In addition, we are frequently reposting our grantees on our social media, so make sure to follow us and tag us in your posts! Links to our socials are below.

See you next time!
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